Silicon Photonic Chips: Pioneering Breakthrough in Open RAN Tech

A network operator, Vodafone, along with Salience Labs and iPronics, is progressing the field of open radio access networks (open RAN) via an innovative approach. They are investigating the potential of silicon photonic chips for open RAN at an R&D centre located in Malaga, Spain. Joining the consortium are two startups, UK-based Salience Labs and…

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Origination vs. Termination: What’s the Difference?

In today’s interconnected world, voice calls remain a fundamental and essential aspect of communication. Within this realm of connectivity, the terms “origination” and “termination” hold significant importance, as they refer to different aspects of call routing. For those seeking to implement telephony systems, it is essential to understand the difference between origination and termination and…

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Exploring Project Gigabit’s Impact on UK’s Broadband Landscape

As the UK government continues to invest heavily in “Project Gigabit”, headed by Minister Simon Blagden of Building Digital UK (BDUK), projects with an aggregate worth of £2 billion are currently under implementation. The core objective of this endeavour is the widespread expansion of high-speed broadband access for communities that are difficult to reach, by…

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