Self-Service Automation – Examples, Implementation & Challenges

Are your customers waiting in long call queues to find answers to quick questions like final bill amounts or steps to use a product? Beware, as long wait times are spoiling their customer experience. Rather, consider implementing self-service automation. Adopting self-service enables businesses to annually save an average of $1-3 million. Not only that, but…

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Multigenerational Diversity

It is common in today’s workforce to find multiple generations working alongside each other. While to some extent this has always been the case, the shape of society itself has changed, with our potential workforce able to offer businesses productive contributions more flexibly and for far longer. Yet, innovative practices for how we organize work…

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Real-Time Sentiment Analysis: Mastering Customer Emotions

Real-time sentiment analysis allows companies to rapidly grasp customer emotions during interactions. It looks at what customers say or write and figures out if they’re happy, upset, or neutral. This happens in real-time, which allows companies to respond right away. As markets become more competitive, real-time sentiment analysis becomes even more important for keeping customers…

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