Call Waiting Explained: Benefits and How to Activate

In today’s fast-paced world, staying connected is more important than ever. Call Waiting is a feature designed to ensure that you never miss an important call, even when you’re currently engaged in another conversation. According to a study by the Pew Research Center, 96% of Americans own a mobile phone, making features like call waiting…

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What Makes Something Edge Native?

In simplistic definitions, the edge is characterized as simply moving workloads closer to end users to reduce network latency associated with clouds. While that is an important component, reducing the network latency is just a third of the process. What makes an edge is reducing compute, network, and storage-related latency. Why is Edge in Demand?…

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Why isn’t “Just SIEM” Enough?

There’s a legacy connotation attached to SIEM that has led to vendors advertising themselves as some iteration of a next-generation solution. But is it necessary? I’ve been struggling to find solutions that would be classified as “legacy SIEM”—that is, SIEM without some sort of automation, response, or anomaly detection capabilities or modules. It makes sense…

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