Sinch, a leading provider of Customer Communications Cloud solutions, has announced the global extension of high-quality direct connections through its new international IP Connect service. The service expands Sinch’s direct connection voice footprint into Europe, Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and Latin America.

Hundreds of top global service providers rely on Sinch for U.S. voice termination and exceptional voice quality when calls are made overseas. However, users of free or low-cost apps and video platforms often experience poor voice quality when making international calls, as multiple providers are involved in completing the call. To address this issue, Sinch has developed IP Connect, which delivers superior voice call quality and an enhanced customer experience worldwide.

The new service offers a direct connection between the originating and terminating provider’s networks, bypassing any intermediate carriers in the call path. This two-way call completion ensures consistent feature functionality from end to end. Moreover, IP Connect is transcoder-free, providing a high-definition voice connection with excellent quality of service and peak performance levels, contributing to improved customer engagement.

“Direct connections matter,” said Nick Reifschneider, Sinch Voice Vice President of Service Provider Products. “We’ve invested in strong networking interconnections and routing capabilities to establish IP Connect for delivering worldwide direct connections for global service providers — giving them access to high-quality two-way voice calling. Now providers can win back voice traffic from freemium and arbitrage providers while building value, trust, and loyalty with their existing customers.”

Sinch continues to focus on the global expansion of its voice footprint and has extended its service offering to include phone numbers in Europe, Asia, the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America. The company is also establishing its own points of presence (POPs) in Europe to provide superior voice services and meet the demands of global service providers in supporting customer growth. IP Connect Service is only available for FCC-compliant service provider customers who meet Sinch’s Know Your Customer (KYC) policy to prevent unlawful robocalling.
