In a move to fill a vacant role at the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) after over two years, President Biden has nominated telco lawyer Anna Gomez for Commissioner. Gomez has extensive experience with US government agencies. She has worked with the State Department, the Commerce Department, and various positions at the FCC since the Clinton administration.

Upon her nomination, Gomez expressed her gratitude and excitement, saying, “I thank President Biden for this honour. I am humbled and grateful. If confirmed, I look forward to working with Chairwoman Rosenworcel and my fellow Commissioners to bring the benefits of modern communication to all.”

The nomination of Gomez, a veteran civil servant, is unlikely to raise the same level of controversy as Biden’s previous pick, Gigi Sohn. Sohn’s background in public advocacy and comments on social media led to a smear campaign, with multiple attempts to confirm her appointment being unsuccessful. In March, Sohn eventually requested Biden to withdraw his nomination.

Now, with Gomez’s nomination, there is a sense of relief within the government. Alan Davidson, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Communications and Information, and NTIA Administrator stated, “A fully staffed Federal Communications Commission is critical to deliver on President Biden’s promise to close the digital divide.”

FCC Chairwoman Rosenworcel and fellow FCC commissioners also praised Gomez’s nomination. Rosenworcel highlighted her substantial record of public service and experience in telecommunications. Commissioner Starks added that Gomez’s expertise as a telco lawyer would bring a unique and valuable perspective to the agency.

The US Congress now has the responsibility to confirm Gomez’s nomination and bring closure to this prolonged affair. This appointment could finally signal a new chapter for the FCC. The commission will focus on expanding and enhancing modern communication for all citizens.
