Samsung is set to play a pivotal role in aiding cable operators in the realization of their wireless strategies, ushering in a wave of new benefits. Central to this is Samsung’s 5G CBRS Strand Small Cell solution, an integrated and lightweight product that offers cable operators an efficient means to swiftly implement data-offloading via CBRS spectrum and existing cable infrastructure. Having undergone rigorous lab and field testing, this solution is now commercially available and marks a significant milestone as it is currently operational in commercial networks with Comcast, their inaugural 5G Strand Small Cell customer.

Designed to hang from existing cable lines, Samsung’s plug-and-play small cell solution swiftly integrates into the network upon installation, drawing power and internet connectivity from the hosting lines. This streamlined approach empowers U.S. cable operators to deliver mobile 5G coverage precisely where it’s needed.

The 5G Strand Small Cell leverages Samsung’s proven macro network chipset, offering feature parity with traditional macro environments, but in a compact, integrated package. This miniature version of a full-blown 5G cell site, complete with a fully integrated DOCSIS cable modem, represents a game-changing solution for cable operators.

Samsung has recently completed field testing and delivered 5G Strand Small Cell products to Comcast for commercial deployment, a collaborative effort aimed at enhancing 5G connectivity in Comcast’s service areas. Comcast, in its pursuit of targeted data traffic offloading, is poised to substantially reduce costs and generate additional revenue with Samsung’s 5G solution.
