Cisco to Acquire Accedian, Enhancing Service Assurance

Cisco has announced its plan to acquire Accedian, a Canadian network optimization specialist, in order to improve its service assurance offerings and enhance the Cisco Networking Cloud. Accedian, known for its SaaS-first service assurance platform, has extensive experience in complex networks and will bring valuable capabilities to Cisco. The CEO of Accedian emphasized the importance of performance visibility and its role in automation, telco cloud environments, and 5G services. Cisco’s General Manager praised Accedian’s expertise and collaboration, and the acquisition is expected to be finalized in the first quarter of Cisco’s FY 2024, with potential benefits for Cisco’s service assurance portfolio and networking solutions.

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BT and British Army Partner for Wide-Scale Wi-Fi Deployment

BT and the British Army have entered into a multi-million-pound agreement to deploy managed Wi-Fi services, called MOD Wi-Fi, across 162 sites in the UK. The partnership aims to provide Wi-Fi coverage in various locations, including offices, training facilities, and recreational spaces, while enhancing site security with a built-in firewall. The deal aligns with the British Army’s digital transformation initiative and will contribute to optimizing building occupancy and energy consumption. BT’s Defense team is responsible for managing connectivity at over 200 sites and is working on the development of a ‘smart base’ in Larkhill, Wiltshire, which will incorporate advanced technologies like fiber and private 5G for enhanced security and efficiency.

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Nokia and Partners Achieve Breakthrough Quantum Encryption Trial

Nokia, along with partners ID Quantique and evolutionQ, has completed Europe’s first live hybrid quantum encryption key trial with Proximus, marking a significant milestone in quantum key technologies and highlighting the need for network security in the era of quantum computing. Quantum computers possess immense computing power but also pose a threat to online security by breaking current security protocols rapidly. The trial demonstrated the implementation of quantum cryptography in a live network to defend against future quantum-based attacks. Proximus utilized Nokia’s Quantum-Safe Networks solution, along with hardware and software from ID Quantique and evolutionQ, to encrypt data over its optical network and ensure secure transmission.

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KT Corp Aims for $773 Million AI Revenue by 2025

South Korean telecom company KT Corp has set a target to generate KRW1 trillion ($773.1 million) from AI-based services by 2025 and plans to invest $5.4 billion in AI business by 2027. KT has already achieved a turnover of $617.9 million from its existing AI-related services. The company has introduced AI contact centers and an AI-operated logistics and aims to expand its presence in robotics, healthcare, and education, offering AI-generated care plans, a nutrition detection system, and an AI-driven robotics platform. This pragmatic approach to AI in Korea differs from the ethics-focused approach in the West, highlighting the challenges in establishing a global framework for AI regulation.

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SES and Intelsat Merger Talks End

Merger talks between satellite operators SES and Intelsat have come to an end, signaling that the geostationary satellite market will not witness consolidation. The proposed merger, valued at over $10 billion, would have created a company with a substantial satellite fleet for geostationary and medium-Earth orbit. While Intelsat has sought partnerships to enhance its coverage, SES has been upgrading its MEO constellation. The satellite market is becoming increasingly competitive with the presence of new LEO providers and technology giants, along with Viasat’s recent acquisition of Inmarsat, prompting SES and Intelsat to adapt and innovate to stay relevant.

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