Sidecarless Service Meshes: Are They Ready for Prime Time?

Service meshes have become a cornerstone in the architecture of modern microservices, providing a dedicated infrastructure layer to manage service-to-service communication. Traditionally, service meshes have relied on sidecar proxies to handle tasks such as load balancing, traffic routing, and security enforcement. However, the emergence of sidecarless service meshes has introduced a new paradigm, promising to…

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Identity, Endpoint, and Network Security Walk into a Bar

With a macrotrend/backdrop of platformization and convergence, the industry is exploring places where identity security, endpoint security, and network security naturally meet. This intersection is the browser. The Browser: The Intersection of Identity, Endpoint, and Network Security Why? If we expect identity security, it must be tied to users, their permissions, authorization, and authentication. If…

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The Impact of GenAI on Data Loss Prevention

Data is essential for any organization. This isn’t a new concept, and it’s not one that should be a surprise, but it is a statement that bears repeating. Why? Back in 2016, the European Union introduced the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This was, for many, the first time that data regulation became an issue,…

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