Monitoring and Analytics: The Eyes and Ears of Zero Trust

Welcome back to our zero trust blog series! In our previous post, we took a deep dive into API security and explored best practices for securing this critical component of modern application architectures. Today, we’re turning our attention to another essential aspect of zero trust: monitoring and analytics. In a zero trust model, visibility is…

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Redefining Cybersecurity: Leveraging AI for Proactive Defense

In an age where cyber threats are growing exponentially, traditional security measures are no longer sufficient. At RSAC 2024, Cisco’s Jeetu Patel and Tom Gillis made a compelling case for the transformative power of AI in cybersecurity during their keynote presentation, “The Time is Now: Redefining Security in the Age of AI.” Their insights provide…

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Cloud Contact Center Migration: A Complete Checklist

More and more contact centers are migrating from on-premise to cloud-based architecture—clearly for valid reasons and to align with the evolving technology landscape. However, the journey of contact center migration is full of challenges. In this blog, we will explore the reasons behind the shift from on-premise to cloud-based contact centers, the key challenges in…

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