Cloud-native DevOps: Evaluating Efficiency Versus Complexity Challenges

The advancement of cloud computing in various sectors has facilitated the growth of private, public, and hybrid cloud as integral facets of corporate infrastructure. The cloud-native mode, characterized by its rapid, flexible, elastic, and scalable system architecture, marks a key inflection point for cloud computing development, but it’s not without its challenges. The escalating complexity…

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Huawei’s Rise in Chinese Market: Reviving Smartphone Sales Dynamics

China’s smartphone market, though presently facing a downturn, is poised for a comeback, largely driven by electronics powerhouse Huawei. The latest findings from Canalys reveal that Huawei has increased its domestic smartphone market share in Q3 this year, with an upward trajectory that brings it closer to the top five players in the market. This…

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Navigating the Zegona-Vodafone Deal: Opportunities and Challenges Ahead

Late in the previous month, a confirmation was made public by the European telecoms investment firm Zegona Communications. It stated that the firm had stepped into the negotiation ring with Vodafone to acquire either a full or partial stake in Vodafone Spain. Talks were in their early stages with Zegona also liaising with a consortium…

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