Exploring Qualcomm’s New Platforms: Shaping Future VR/AR Experiences

Chip manufacturer Qualcomm has expanded its spatial computing portfolio with the announcement of two optimized platforms for virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and mixed reality (MR) applications: the Snapdragon XR2 Gen 2 and the Snapdragon AR1 Gen 1. These platforms are specifically designed to cater to sophisticated VR helmets and smart glasses technology. The…

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Cellnex-Stonepeak Deal: A New Chapter in Nordic Telecommunications

The landscape of telecommunications in Sweden and Denmark is set to undergo a seismic shift, following the announcement of an agreement between investment firm Stonepeak and tower company Cellnex. Stonepeak has agreed to acquire a 49% interest in Cellnex’s Sweden and Denmark units, for a reported €730 million fee. The deal includes an agreement that…

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What is CNAM? | VoIP Review

Have you ever been caught off guard by an unknown phone call, leaving you wondering who it might be? We’ve all experienced that moment of hesitation before answering, contemplating whether the call is worth our time or is it just another scam call. In such situations, Caller ID has been a trusty companion, providing us…

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