China’s Telecom Giants Join Open Gateway Initiative: Unlocking 5G Potential and Transforming Connectivity

The GSMA has recently announced the joining of China Mobile, China Telecom, and China Unicom to the Open Gateway initiative. This global network of operators utilizes Application Programmable Interfaces (APIs) to offer universal access to operator networks. The primary goal of this initiative is to enable developers and cloud providers to enhance and deliver services…

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Samsung and Wind River: Paving the Way for Software-Defined Cars with Auto V920

A new collaboration between Samsung’s chip business and embedded software specialist Wind River aims to bring the utopia of cars receiving constant over-the-air software updates a step closer. The partnership will focus on a version of the Samsung Exynos system-on-chip specifically designed for automotive use, called the Auto V920. The plan is to preinstall a…

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Create a Seamless Communications User Experience

Perfection may be a lofty goal for MSPs, but when pitching new technologies or upgrades to existing solutions, that’s precisely what clients expect. Unfortunately, that high bar continues to rise, and the objectives can be harder to hit as more employees flee the traditional corporate environs. The WFH and hybrid office options add tremendous unknowns…

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