The Future of ZTNA: A Convergence of Network Access Solutions

Zero trust network access (ZTNA) has emerged as a crucial security paradigm for organizations seeking to secure their applications and data in the cloud era. By implementing a least-privilege access model and leveraging identity and context as decision criteria, ZTNA solutions provide granular control over who can access what resources, reducing the attack surface and…

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Are We Taking Enterprise Password Management Seriously?

Passwords are the keys to your digital assets: it’s how we access applications and data, as well as infrastructure and systems. Often they are characters we type in as part of a logon prompt, but they can also be hidden in code, as an application makes a call to other resources to carry out its…

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Embracing the Future: A Vision for the CASB Market

As we stand on the cusp of a new era in cloud security, the landscape of cloud access security brokers (CASB) is poised for transformative evolution. In this blog, we adopt the lens of foresight and delve into the future of the CASB market, exploring emerging technologies, anticipated shifts, and strategic insights for organizations preparing…

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