TPG Telecom-Vocus Deal Stalemate: Navigating the Failed Negotiations

After failing to agree on the price and navigate the complexities of the deal, TPG Telecom abruptly ended its bid to sell a variety of fibre and other assets to Vocus. This announcement was not unexpected as TPG recently revealed that ongoing negotiations with Vocus, despite their initially agreed exclusivity period, had failed to produce…

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Navigating the Drama of Dutch Private 5G Spectrum Licensing

The Radio and Internet Services Department (RDI) is on track to introduce private 5G local spectrum licenses in the 3.5GHz band for enterprise clients before this year comes to a close. The plan is to earmark two 50MHz blocks on the band, specifically between 3,400–3,450MHz and 3,750–3,800MHz for enterprise utilization. The RDI has explicated that…

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Escalating Theft of Telco Backup Batteries: The Unseen Challenge

The telecommunications industry has long battled against theft, a challenge significantly amplified by the sheer scale and geographical dispersion of operational assets. From stolen copper wiring to purloined generators at mobile base stations, physical security for these resources has been a constant uphill struggle. Currently, an alarming escalation of this trend is being experienced by…

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