Could Network Modeling Replace Observability?

Over the past four years, I’ve consolidated a representative list of network observability vendors, but have not yet considered any modeling-based solutions. That changed when Forward Networks and NetBrain requested inclusion in the network observability report. These two vendors have built their products on top of a network modeling technology, and both of them met…

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The Challenge of Securing User Identities

Several businesses I’ve worked with recently have had the misfortune of being victims of cybersecurity incidents. While these incidents come in many forms, there is a common thread: they all started with a compromise of user identity. Why Identities are Targeted Identity security—whether it involves usernames and passwords, machine names, encryption keys, or certificates—presents a…

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Near, Far, Wherever Your CPUs Are

Over the past two years, I’ve been making the point that near edge and far edge are utilitarian terms at best, but they fail to capture some really important architectural and delivery mechanisms for edge solutions. Some of those include as-a-service consumption versus purchasing hardware, global networks versus local deployments, or suitability for digital services…

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