WebDetetive Hack Exposes Compromised Android Phones Across South America

A Portuguese-language spyware named WebDetetive has targeted over 76,000 Android phones across South America, with a significant concentration in Brazil, according to reports. The spyware has become the latest victim of a hacking incident, marking a disturbing trend in the security of phone spyware companies. Unnamed hackers accessed a cache of data that shed light…

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Stay Connected Anywhere, Anytime with OFFICErING’s VoIP services

In a world driven by connectivity and instant communication, businesses need reliable and efficient phone service to thrive. OFFICErING team understands that. With a mission to provide the most reliable phone service at the best prices, OFFICErING has revolutionized the way businesses connect and collaborate. By combining cutting-edge technology, a carrier-class IP network, and an…

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Journey and Avaya Join Forces to Transform Contact Center Security

Journey.ai, a trailblazing cybersecurity software company, has teamed up with Avaya, a leading contact center provider, to bolster security measures while enhancing the agent experience. The integration of Journey’s biometric authentication technology with Avaya Hybrid Cloud Services (HCS) offers a compelling solution for contact centers, replacing conventional password-based authentication with biometric verification. This innovative partnership…

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