Investing $600M in Ukraine’s Telecommunication: Infrastructure, 4G, and Beyond

VEON Ltd., a prominent global digital operator, has declared an investment of USD 600 million through its subsidiary Kyivstar to aid in Ukraine‘s recovery over the next three years. The investment will cover infrastructure projects to ensure essential connectivity, the development of 4G services across the country, superior digital services, and community support projects. The…

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Building Your Powerful, Trusted MSP Brand

“What can brown do for you?” “Just do it.” The Clydesdale horses… Sometimes just a few keywords can create an instant image in people’s minds. That person in the brown uniform walking up a driveway with packages may represent safety, trust, and reliability. The local UPS delivery person is often known, liked and respected for…

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Sustainable Data Centers: Balancing Security and Energy Efficiency in Norway

Data centers, often regarded as the digital heart of every business, are crucial for data flow, security, and energy efficiency. In a recent development, Norway’s leading telecom operator, Telenor, has joined forces with Hafslund, HitecVision, and Analysys Mason to establish the country’s most secure commercial data center operator. The partnership aims to focus on sustainable…

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