Deutsche Telekom has announced a significant accomplishment in mobile telecommunications as field tests have managed speeds up to 12 gigabits per second, utilizing the 6 GHz frequencies. These speed statistics eclipse the data rates of current 5G networks by twelvefold.

Inspecting the German telecom giant’s track record, a consistent emphasis on the 6 GHz frequency band’s potential for mobile communication networks is perceptible. They were the received a trial license from the Bundesnetzagentur to conduct early experimental testing. This most recent feat affirms Deutsche Telekom’s claims while also elevating the importance of 6 GHz before the upcoming ITU World Radiocommunications Conference.

The record-breaking speed was made possible by simultaneously merging two data streams from 3.6 GHz and 6 GHz antennas. The respective speeds registered from these antennas were 11 Gbps and 1 Gbps, integrating the performances resulting in the remarkable 12.3 Gbps data speed. Interestingly, this is not standard carrier aggregation, but Deutsche Telekom contends this will be a viable process with these two frequency bands in upcoming times.

The experiment was conducted in Alzey, a small town in Rheinhessen, employing a test vehicle simulated as a mobile phone, connected to a network on a rooftop. Although the range was restricted due to the inherent issue of high-frequency bands, Deutsche Telekom suggests this band can be effectively used for inner-city densification. As Driton Emini, Deutsche Telekom’s VP of Network Evolution and Strategy, proffered during the tests; “imagine that it’s a marketplace, restaurant or cafe with many customers using their smartphones”.

Foreseeing a future where customer demand for higher accuracy and speed will intensify, Deutsche Telekom reiterates its assertion that the 6 GHz band is the solution. They aren’t alone in this vision, with several operators worldwide voicing support for the 6 GHz band. As WRC-23 approaches, Deutsche Telekom’s proposition and research are crucial.

The results from this experimental testing will be invaluable at WRC-23 in Dubai this November. Here, global industry experts will discuss and decide on the feasibility of the 6 GHz band for mobile communications. Abdu Mudesir, Head of Technology at Deutsche Telekom, describes the band as offering “the best characteristics” for meeting future demand, hoping for WRC’s alignment. Adding to this optimism, Emini unveiled an expectation for the standard use of 6 GHz for mobile communications from the middle of the decade.
