Thematic, a global leader in feedback analytics, recently announced the integration of Generative AI into its AI-driven platform, taking their customer feedback analysis capabilities to the next level. By incorporating large language models (LLMs), the platform can now deliver more thorough and transparent insights into customer feedback data.

Founded in 2017, Thematic employs its proprietary AI algorithm to evaluate customer feedback collected from various sources, such as satisfaction surveys, reviews, social media, and contact center logs. This aggregated information enables clients to understand their customers’ needs and make informed decisions to improve products and customer experiences, without requiring manual coding or training a language model.

Theme Summarizer is Thematic’s first feature to leverage Generative AI. It provides a quick understanding of any theme within customer data, utilizing advances in LLMs to create easy-to-read summaries of each theme. According to Thematic’s CEO, Alyona Medelyan, “Thematic has the unique ability to distill the common themes hidden in the ocean of text coming through the many, many avenues where customers give their opinions of products and services.”

The company developed a system leveraging its proprietary AI to create guardrails for LLMs, ensuring summaries are thorough, readable, and accurate while providing a snapshot of volume, sentiment, and trends for the selected theme. Consequently, this allows clients to continue receiving trusted and accurate analysis at a much faster pace.

The Thematic platform offers visualizations and reports to help shape product roadmaps and identify trends in customer feedback. Insights and product teams can use Thematic to better understand customer opinions at scale, work more efficiently, and make informed product decisions. A recent Forrester Total Economic Impact Study revealed that Thematic delivers a 543% return on investment by helping companies increase profits.
