The GSMA, a global association of mobile network operators, has unveiled a new project dubbed the GSMA Open Gateway with the goal of offering developers universal access to operator networks. This objective will be accomplished through the creation of a framework of universal network Application Programmable Interfaces (APIs) that will unite the industry behind open APIs. The change signifies a fundamental shift in how the telecoms sector creates and provides services in a world where there is an API economy.


At the MWC Barcelona 2023, 21 mobile network carriers will already be demonstrating the potential of the initiative. These demonstrations include an immersive concert experience, a live ‘jam session’, and an immersive gaming and high definition video showcase.


The Linux Foundation, along with the GSMA, defines, develops and publishes the GSMA Open Gateway APIs in CAMARA, an open-source project allowing developers to access expanded network capabilities. By using this architecture, APIs between telcos and developers can be offered quickly using tools and technologies that developers are comfortable with.


Eight universal network APIs, including SIM Swap, QoD, Device Status, Number Verify, Edge Site Selection and Routing, Number Verification, Carrier Billing – Check Out and Device Location, are included in the initial release of the GSMA Open Gateway program. The program intends to introduce further APIs later in 2023.


This GSMA project will assist developers and cloud providers in improving and deploying services more quickly by providing single points of entry to operator networks. This is achieved through the use of standard, northbound service APIs that essentially expose mobile carriers’ network capabilities within a uniform, interoperable and federated framework.


The GSMA Open Gateway program is expected to result in a significant shift in how services are developed and provided, enabling the application of the notion of operator interconnection to the API economy. This will allow developers to use technology just once, for services such as identification, cybersecurity or billing, but with the possibility to be connected with every operator globally.


 The GSMA Open Gateway program has the potential to transform digital services in the same manner as roaming did for mobile phone services. This effort intends to engage developers through Early Adopter Programs and promote GSMA Open Gateway APIs through key developer channels including Microsoft’s Ignite and Build events, as well as AWS’ re:Invent.

