The France-based Iliad Group has carved a unique path in the European telecommunications landscape, touting its “Iliad way” as the driving force behind its outperformance in the three key markets of France, Italy, and Poland.

During a recent earnings call covering the first half of the year, Iliad Group CEO Thomas Reynaud proudly asserted, “We are the leading performer in terms of growth rate among Europe’s top 15 telcos. This isn’t happenstance; it’s the result of our unwavering commitment to growth and commercial excellence, even in a challenging macroeconomic climate.”

Reynaud emphasized strategic initiatives such as robust collaboration among the three national operators and a focus on cross-border synergies. He also highlighted the company’s exit from the stock market, stating, “This move grants us greater autonomy to invest and make prudent financial decisions.”

Furthermore, Reynaud underscored the implementation of a fixed-mobile convergence strategy across all three markets. In particular, the acquisition of cable operator UPC Poland by Polish operator Play, a part of the Iliad Group, was a significant step in this direction.

“The Iliad way also underscores our dedication to innovation and preserving our maverick mindset. Exiting the stock market and securing Xavier Niel as a committed long-term shareholder have given us unparalleled flexibility and freedom,” Reynaud noted.

Looking forward, Iliad plans to intensify its presence in the enterprise services sector, primarily in its home market of France. Reynaud asserted, “We firmly believe that our brand strength and assets provide a substantial opportunity to gain market share in the B2B segment. Our strategic acquisition of cybersecurity specialist iTrust is just the beginning. In H1, we achieved remarkable 55% growth in our B2B operations.”

Iliad reported impressive group organic revenue growth, with France contributing 7.7%, Italy 12.2%, and Poland 5.6% for the first half of 2023. Total consolidated revenue reached €4.44 billion ($4.85 billion), with France accounting for €2.92 billion ($3.19 billion). EBITDA after leases stood at €1.64 billion ($1.79 billion), reflecting growth from the previous year.

Despite a decrease in profit compared to the previous year, largely due to the sale of shares in On Tower France and increased finance costs stemming from the UPC Poland acquisition, Iliad remains steadfast in its commitment to delivering innovative telecommunications solutions and maintaining a strong foothold in its fiercely competitive domestic market.
