NTT and Cisco have recently announced their collaboration to launch a suite of repeatable IoT solutions, which will be offered as a managed service. The partnership combines NTT’s edge infrastructure, managed services, and IT systems integration expertise with Cisco’s IoT capabilities. As a result, the companies aim to provide IoT services that deliver real-time data insights, enhanced security, improved decision-making, and lower operational costs through predictive maintenance, asset tracking, and supply chain management.

Targeting the manufacturing, transportation, healthcare, and utility sectors, NTT and Cisco see a growing demand for edge computing and IoT solutions. According to IoT Analytics, global enterprise IoT spending is expected to increase from $201 billion in 2022 to $238 billion this year and possibly as high as $483 billion by 2027.

Both companies have already begun working with Compagnie Intercommunale Liégeoise des Eaux (CISE), a Belgian public water distribution utility, to improve efficiency in water quality, consumption, distribution, and maintenance. CISE has deployed thousands of LoRaWAN sensors on its infrastructure, all provided as a managed service by NTT and Cisco.

Devin Yaung, SVP of Group Enterprise IoT Products and Services at NTT, stated that they are accelerating their IoT business initiatives to deliver a powerful portfolio of repeatable services that can be customized to meet the demand for such solutions. Meanwhile, Samuel Pasquier, VP of Product Management, Industrial IoT Networking at Cisco, expressed excitement about collaborating to help customers transition to this IoT-as-a-service model and quickly realize the business benefits across industries worldwide.

Repeatable solutions offer faster deployment and make factors like price, performance, scalability, and business benefits more predictable. However, they are not without their challenges as no two businesses have identical requirements. There will inevitably be variations, necessitating a degree of tailoring. Despite this, the respective scale of both NTT and Cisco should enable them to design and deliver IoT as-a-service successfully.

NTT has assembled a team of over 1,000 consultants, engineers, enterprise architects, and sustainability experts worldwide to build, deploy, and manage more than 100 use cases in areas such as connected cars, fleet management, predictive maintenance, smart cities, digital twins, etc. Yaung affirms that the company is doubling down on NTT’s IoT capabilities to meet customer demand, pulling together their collective knowledge and skillsets, and putting the full power of NTT behind it in order to better service their customers and support their IoT needs.
