Teleste, a global technology provider, has announced its commitment to the United Nations’ Global Compact initiative, an established corporate responsibility effort. The initiative, launched by the UN in 2000, emphasizes the importance of ecological, social, and financial responsibility for both companies and communities worldwide.

With over 23,000 participants, the Global Compact initiative is a thriving network that adheres to principles and objectives aimed at fostering sustainable development across economic, social, and environmental domains. This initiative aligns with the fundamental values of the UN, focusing on human rights, workplace ethics, environmental preservation, and the fight against corruption on a global scale.

Esa Harju, the CEO of Teleste, expressed the company’s commitment to sustainability, saying, “A sustainable future is a goal affecting the whole world, the achievement of which requires work from each of us. Teleste wants to bear its own share of responsibility by committing to the UN principles of sustainable development and acting in accordance with them. As a global technology provider, it is important for us to continuously develop our corporate responsibility and ensure that it is an integral part of all areas of our operations.”

Companies and communities that join the Global Compact initiative constitute a powerful global network united by a shared objective: addressing pressing sustainability challenges. Their actions are guided by operating principles established by the UN. Members of this community also commit to transparently reporting their activities and progress on an annual basis.

Leena Hälinen, Teleste’s director of corporate responsibility, expressed enthusiasm about the company’s inclusion in the initiative, stating, “We are happy that we have been accepted into the UN Global Compact initiative! We have developed our corporate responsibility in the long term and now as a participant in the initiative we get an even wider reference development and also new tools for doing truly impressive responsibility work.”

Teleste’s participation in the UN Global Compact initiative underscores the company’s dedication to driving positive change in the global business landscape while upholding principles that contribute to a sustainable and ethical future.
