The mobile and satellite sectors are poised for enhanced concerted efforts as the GSMA and the European Space Agency (ESA) express mutual intentions to collaborate on new satellite and terrestrial network technologies. This cooperation heralds a new era of alignment between the two sectors, propelling non-terrestrial networking (NTN) into the commercial mainstream.

The incorporation of NTN into the 3GPP’s 5G standard since Release 17 has been a significant stride. Simultaneously the partnership between the GSMA and the ESA reflects a purposive drive towards commercial reality. There’s no doubting that when it comes to 6G, it is anticipated that NTN would be an integral component.

In this regard, the GSMA and ESA aim to expedite the development of novel solutions for businesses and consumers. A prime objective of this collaboration would also encompass concatenating satellite communications with 5G and, henceforth, 6G networks.

GSMA CTO Alex Sinclair expressed his optimism about this unique alignment by stating, “By collaborating more closely with the European Space Agency, and its satellite network operator ecosystem…we can help the communications industry bring innovative solutions to market, which in turn will create tremendous benefits to society by connecting even more people, wherever they are in the world.”

The joined forces of the GSMA and ESA would mean increased momentum in ideation, knowledge sharing, and collaborative trials. With the GSMA already fostering collaboration between telecoms and a wide array of industries to evolve innovative solutions via the Foundry, the ESA’s 5G/6G Hub stands as a formidable ally. The Hub, initiated in February 2022, serves as the development and integration space for 5G and satcom technologies. Notably, the facility was announced to further extend in diverse areas of research to cultivate industry expertise.

Head of the Space for 5G and 6G Strategic Programme at the ESA, Antonio Franchi, endorsed this collaboration by asserting, “Collaboration is key to telecommunications innovation and, from our 5G/6G Hub, we are fostering industry partnerships to advance the 5G digital transformation of society and industry. We look forward to working with GSMA to explore and realise the huge potential of next-generation satellite-enabled connectivity.”

In terms of tangible potential, ABI Research has quantified that the global 5G non-terrestrial networking (NTN) service revenue will witness a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of an astounding 59% between 2024 and 2031, tapping into around $18 billion. Consequently, connections are projected to reach over 200 million.
