A quick roundup of the news in Telecoms | Week #50

Fusion Connect launches Operator Connect for Microsoft Teams Fusion Connect, a global Managed Communication Service Provider (MCSP), now offers Microsoft Teams Operator Connect. This new solution ensures the availability of the platform and services, backed by Fusion Connect’s complete service guarantee. With this offering, customers can use Microsoft Teams to make direct calls to mobile…

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Unleashing the Power of XGS PON: Virgin Media O2’s Bold Move

UK telecommunication powerhouse Virgin Media O2 (VMO2) is now offering broadband services utilising its state-of-the-art 10 Gbps-capable XGS PON network. The company has tested the technology with selected customers in a commercial trial that commenced last November, deeming it to be a resounding success. VMO2’s Chief Technology Officer, Jeanie York voiced her satisfaction, stating “These…

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