Digital Realty, a global provider of carrier-neutral data center facilities and Cable Landing Stations, has been a key sponsor of Submarine Networks EMEA for several years, illustrating its strong commitment to the subsea community. The company plays a crucial role in building the connectivity ecosystem, which is essential for the future of telecommunications.

In a recent interview, Wilfried Dudink, Senior Director – Strategy & Development at Digital Realty, emphasized the company’s close relationship with the subsea community and highlighted the importance of the Submarine Networks EMEA conference.closeup of a wireless router and a young man using smart phone 

According to Dudink, the conference serves as an important platform for industry leaders to discuss the challenges and opportunities facing the telecom industry. These discussions are vital, as they promote collaboration, knowledge sharing, and ultimately contribute to the advancement of the telecommunications sector. By sponsoring and actively participating in the event, Digital Realty can stay connected with the subsea community and maintain its position as a key player in the industry.

One of the main advantages that Digital Realty offers to its customers is its carrier-neutral data centers. These facilities allow customers to select from multiple network providers and find the best fit for their business needs. This flexibility is particularly important in the subsea sector, where connectivity and reliability are critical factors for success.

Cable Landing Stations, another area where Digital Realty specializes, are also of significant importance to the subsea community. These stations facilitate the connection of undersea cables to terrestrial networks, which are essential for ensuring seamless global communication. By providing both data center facilities and Cable Landing Stations, Digital Realty strongly supports the subsea ecosystem’s growth and development.

The Submarine Networks EMEA conference gathers industry experts who are deeply passionate about subsea connectivity and its potential to revolutionize the telecommunications sector. As the prevalence of high-speed internet, 5G networks, and cloud computing services continues to grow worldwide, the demand for advanced subsea infrastructure grows accordingly. The conference offers an opportunity for stakeholders to stay informed about the latest trends, technologies, and developments, helping them remain relevant and competitive in the rapidly-evolving industry.

In conclusion, Digital Realty’s continued sponsorship and active participation in the Submarine Networks EMEA conference demonstrate the company’s commitment to the subsea community and play a crucial role in the advancement of the telecommunications sector. By fostering a strong relationship with the subsea industry and contributing valuable expertise in the form of carrier-neutral data centers and Cable Landing Stations, Digital Realty is well-positioned to support the rapidly evolving connectivity landscape.
