The Wireless Broadband Alliance (WBA) has proposed a single operator-managed wifi architecture to replace the multiple versions currently in use. This framework aims to streamline wifi data collection, management, configuration, and optimization of home networks. The WBA is driving this initiative due to the various operator-managed wifi solutions on the market, each utilizing different methods for data collection, communication between Customer Premises Equipment (CPE) and the cloud, remote management, and mesh formation. As such, a holistic solution for an operator-managed wifi network would be desirable.

The WBA’s reference architecture combines the benefits of all available standards, including Wi-Fi Alliance (WFA) Wi-Fi EasyMesh™, Wi-Fi Certified Data Elements™, and Broadband Forum (BBF) User Services Platform (USP) Data Models TR-369 and TR-181. Tiago Rodrigues, CEO of the Wireless Broadband Alliance, stated, “A user’s perceived quality of experience is tied to the performance of their in-home Wi-Fi network. This is putting pressure on operators to better manage their residential Wi-Fi services.” He explains that the countless operator-managed Wi-Fi solutions on the market make it difficult for operators to provide a consistent level of service for their users. The WBA and its members aim to change that with their new reference architecture combining the best standards into one cost-effective solution.

Sascha Dech, System Architect and Lead Developer User Interfaces at Deutsche Telekom, emphasized: “Standardization of components helps us to deliver on our key promises, a great user experience as well as having a reliable and fast connection to the internet.” While there are various technologies and approaches to setting up wifi in homes, having a single, unified solution appears to be more efficient. The WBA collaborated with BT and Deutsche Telekom on this project, and the next step will likely involve getting input and feedback from the rest of the market.
